Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ugly Doll creations

Yep, it's been a while! I seem to say that every post I make. I guess sadly I don't get a whole lot of time to sew :( I did, however, create some goodies a few months ago that I have been wanting to share. I actually wanted to share at the time, but as some of these were gifts, I was a bit worried the recipients would see them. Anyway, I got inspired one afternoon when trying to think of something small I could make a friend for their birthday. My thoughts as usual went to embroidery, and then I have an epiphany! Maybe I could do more than embroider. Maybe I could incorporate felt. Quite coincidentally I found a stash of leftover felts in my sewing boxes and shazam, an idea was born.

My friend is a fan of Ugly Dolls, and so it's from here the idea was born (and multiplied once my first effort turned out so well!).

The Making of Ice Bat




Eyes would be nice

Ta-da! Ice Bat done
So the success of the Ice Bat Ugly Doll led me onto other adventures (it's amazing what one can do when they are trying to avoid doing proper work!). So I made a few friends for Ice Bat (well, temporary friends, given Ice Bat was destined for my friend).

Ugly Dog (although I argue it is more like a cat)


 My first three Ugly Dolls
Pretty happy!

 So I made some more....




  1. OMG your stitching is just sooo neat! I love these, even though I haven't seen much about Ugly Dolls here. I know one friend who has one, but not sure which one it is. I think Tray is the cutest :)
